Wednesday, April 26, 2006 Instead of intervening, he pulled out his phone and scene. A young man, a high school Yvelines pounces on his professor and violently assaulted. In one corner, a pupil misses nothing of the scene and filmed with a mobile phone equipped with a camera. This incident is mentioned first in Le Parisien and Le Figaro also. We also learn that the filmed assault was quickly diffused in the neighboring city. . The Minister of Education has responded to this aggression by promoting closer cooperation between the police and the world of education. . The bidding continues. Villepin at the Sorbonne. There has installed the Committee on education and employment. This commission is charged to submit proposals on the direction, the professionalization of education, learning and alternation. We also learn that a charter of work placements has just been signed with the employers. If it is to respond to the concern expressed by the young ,. after the failure of the CPE, the government will have to work hard to convince and be persuasive … The press also mentions a report on sects. We learn that children are one of the important targets of sectarian activities. alternative schools, mistreatment, sexual abuse, the risks are many. Good reading… ——————————————— – Release of 26/04/06 A Montfermeil mayor plays antijeunes map UMP Xavier Lemoine claims prohibit 15-18 to regroup more than three. Read more of the article Sorbonne "! From here," Dominique de Villepin Prime Minister yesterday launched the Committee on education and employment. Read the rest of the article ——————————————- – Le Figaro 26/04/06 a teacher assaulted by a student, another film on Monday afternoon, a teacher of a high school Porcheville (Yvelines) was assaulted by one of her students while another filmed the scene, reported Wednesday the newspaper Le Parisien-Aujourd’hui en France. Read more of the article The Child Advocate bows After six years of successful tenure, Claire Brisset takes stock of its pioneering role. Read more of the article Villepin seeks to revive the Sorbonne After his failure on the CPE, the Prime Minister launched yesterday at the Sorbonne national debate "university-employment". With a slogan consensus. Read more of the article three challenges assigned to university Employment Commission and is responsible for presenting proposals on orientation, professionalization of education, learning and alternation. Read more of the article A first report to the government in June Composed of sixteen members, the Commission college employment is chaired by Patrick Hetzel, rector of the Academy of Limoges. She is responsible for conducting the national debate that should take place in all universities in France next June. Meanwhile, a forum will be set up on the Internet. The work schedule is pretty tight. A progress report, which will identify the first proposals will be submitted to the government in June. The final report is expected in the fall. Read more of the article Why are companies reluctant to hire university graduates If the leaders of the large groups, which often come out of the great schools, recruit especially among their peers, SME owners give more willingly their chance to holders a university. Read the rest of the article ——————————————- the Humanity of 25/04/06 (a day late) at Montfermeil mayor stirred young peril and safe cloth a by-law prohibits minors from fifteen to eighteen years of travel at more than three in the center -city. An active soliciting of the extreme right. Read more of the article Villepin wants to bring businesses and facs Premier Launches this afternoon a national debate about the University and employment. After the failure of the CPE, it will have to be persuasive … Read More Article —————————- ———————— Le Parisien on 26/04/06 (paying) the high school student films the assault of her teacher While a student 18 beating up a teacher in classroom full of school Porcheville (Yvelines), an accomplice filmed the assault with his mobile phone. Images that were then distributed in the city! Read more of the article "It has become a common phenomenon" TO FILMING of gratuitous violence by a boyfriend is the new game thugs. "The proliferation of laptops equipped with video and small digital cameras is actually emerge this new trend Read more of the article In Nice, the rape of a student circulates in establishing CASE back several weeks but Deputy prosecutor of Nice has not forgotten. It keeps the images in mind, hateful images. "This is a gang rape perpetrated in Nice at the beginning of the year. Read the rest of the article ——————————————- —– La Croix 26/04/06 Reinventing authority at school, in politics, but also in family, in fact everywhere, the French are alarmed by the crisis of authority and ask his return. "The Cross" examines this theme, exploring both the causes of the malaise and manners, very diverse, respond More Article ————– ———————————- 20 minutes from 26/04/06 Sects: a report is concerned for children, health and humanitarian children, alternative medicine, humanitarian assistance constitute three areas "of particular concern" for the activity of sects, said Miviludes in its 2005 report, promising to continue his fight "with awareness and determination." […] children are often a "target", the report said, sometimes before birth (universal white Brotherhood, Ancient and Mystical Order of the Rose-Croix). Among the devotees of Krishna, they have a job of exhausting time (up at 3:30, set at 8:30 p.m. for 10-15 years). They can be removed from school ( "indigo" children or "crystal" Kryon), schooled share (Tabitha’s Place, Plymouth Brethren from the Protestant darbysme). Prevention of Education estimates that 10,000 cell children educated at home or in institutions outside the contract. The controls have helped to reduce the number of children educated at home (1,000 in 2004 against 6,000 in 1998). But correspondence education is free and competitive –without any guarantee or approval except CNED– as academic support, niche "seems to be one of the new tracks of Scientology." Read more of the article assault of a teacher by a student filmed and broadcast the Monday afternoon assault of a teacher by one of his students in a school in Porcheville (Yvelines) was filmed by another schoolboy then broadcast in a neighboring city, Read article ———————————– ————– West of France 26/04/06 blacks of France out of their revolt silence of black youths in the suburbs, birth of a representative Council of black associations, next commemoration slavery: France discovered a "racial issue" black, long denied. The first "General States of black people" take place Friday and Saturday in Paris. Read the rest of the article ——————————————- —— Le Monde 25/04/06 the intervention of the ombudsman for children benefited in six years, to 12 000 miners still there six years, the "Defender of children" was an institution who had just settled in the french landscape. "At first we worked rue Saint-Dominique in Paris in offices that served as incubators for new entrants to the Republic, smiles Claire Brisset, the first to hold this position in 2000. We were two, we had a phone and a Bic, and our budget was made by taking here and there the lines of different ministries. everything had to be invented. ". Today, Claire Brisset, who leaves office on May 3, has a Parisian team of twenty-five people and a network of forty-five regional correspondents. Read more of the article children, health and humanitarian are the main targets of sects Children, alternative medicine
, humanitarian assistance, constitute three areas "of particular concern" for the activity of sects, said the Interministerial Mission of Vigilance and the fight against sectarian abuses (MIVILUDES) in its 2005 report published Wednesday, April 26, promising to continue his fight "with awareness and determination." Read more of the article —————————————- Le Nouvel Observateur 26/04/06 permanent placements: the government is launching a charter delegates Ministers for Employment and higher education, employers, representatives of higher education institutions and three student unions signed a charter Wednesday, April 26 for secure student internships. Read more from the article "Prof" assaulted: A suspect arrested A Porcheville, a high school student filmed with his mobile assault Monday of a teacher by another student. The latter was taken into custody. Read the rest of the article ——————————————- —————- Express daily 26/04/06 for better regulated courses delegates Ministers for Labor and higher Education this morning signed a charter of student placements in company. The text provides a better framework to prevent abuse. Read the rest of the article ——————————————- —————- a selection in dispatches of 26/04/06 the ENS rue d’Ulm "suffocated" by lack of resources, according to its director Monique cantonal Sperber, director of the Superior normal School (ENS) in the rue d’Ulm (Paris) said Wednesday morning on Europe 1 that his establishment was "asphyxiated" by lack of operating resources. Read more of the article Robien: we need a closer cooperation between police and schools The Minister of Education Wednesday called for closer cooperation between the police and the world of education after the assault of a teacher by one of his students in a school in Porcheville (Yvelines) that was filmed and broadcast in a neighboring city. Read more of the article alleged perpetrator of a teacher Porcheville in custody The alleged perpetrator of a teacher in a high school Monday Porcheville (Yvelines), whose assault was filmed by another pupil was again placed in custody Wednesday morning as part of the continuing investigation, do we learned from a judicial source. Read more of the article securing internships charter signed by the government and employers Charter internships, signed Wednesday will "secure" the area by the government and employers, while the group of trainees " precarious generation "sees a" fig leaf "largely insufficient to stop the abuse. […] the Charter sets out the principles to be respected, recalling the" educational function "of a course which" can not be equated with a employment". It is part of the law on equal opportunities of 31 March 2006, imposing a "compulsory internship agreement, limiting the length of courses outside educational tour to six months and a mandatory gratuity for internships more than three months. " Read the rest of the article ——————————————- —————————- for more VousNousIls the site (Section education dispatches AFP) AFP dispatches on lesite the Yahoo News website under the house education teachers teaching the essential coffee Posted by Watrelot on Wednesday, April 26, 2006